Cyber Security for Estate Planning Professionals – How to Protect Your Clients’ Data Against Breach
Cybersecurity is a top priority in protecting both your firm's and your client's privacy. What you don't know could hurt your clients, as well as you and your bottom line. Join us for a very interesting and useful presentation by Tyler Wrightson, founder and owner of Leet Cyber Security, specializing in cyber security risk assessment and threat protection and Jacqueline Goralczyk, Esq., partner and founding member of DeAngelus Goralczyk, PLLC, practicing in cyber security and data privacy law.
The presentation covers:
What cyber security risks are out there?
What we can do to protect our businesses and our clients?
What to do in the event of a data breach?
The last topic will cover both what you should do to repair the breach, but also what legal disclosures are required to be made to clients whose data may have been compromised. Ms. Goralczyk addresses the responsibilities our EPC members would have under the Shield Act.
Tyler Wrightson, founder and owner of Leet Cyber Security, specializing in cyber security risk assessment and threat protection.
Jacqueline Goralczyk, Esq., partner and founding member of DeAngelus Goralczyk, PLLC, practicing in cyber security and data privacy law.